Privacy notice for the protection of personal data held by individuals

In accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data held by individuals, MOPLAIN makes the following PRIVACY NOTICE available to you.

For the purpose of identification, generation of matrix database, monitoring of digital marketing services, profile in the system, promotion, dissemination, comments, publications, visit history, relevant content, digital material, contact mode, views, functions and advertisements related to the content offered on

You are informed that you have the right to be aware of the personal data protected by , MOPLAIN, reason for using it, destination and conditions of use that we give them (access), likewise you have the right to request modification in the event that is outdated, incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, in the same way you have the right to request that your information be removed from our records or databases that you consider are not being used correctly (cancellation) or oppose the use of your personal data for purposes specific that you have no interest, likewise, MOPLAIN. It will be communicated directly in case of finding a specific purpose and taking it to its consideration and will, which may be denied and those established in this privacy notice continue to be developed.

You are informed that, if you submit a request to cancel the use of personal data, you must consider that the requested service cannot be provided, or the termination of your relationship with MOPLAIN.

Transmission of personal data

It is reported that personal data transmissions will not be made, except those that are necessary, to:

Address information requirements of a competent authority, which are duly founded and motivated;
Likewise, they will deal directly with the client so that they grant their authorization in the event of:

National and/or foreign companies that, upon request, agree to the services of , MOPLAIN, guarantee the confidentiality and protection of data and personal information in writing.
MOPLAIN will NOT sell the data and/or information of the users or transmit it to third parties for any reason, unless it is for the purpose of the services provided upon prior request and agreement between the corresponding parties.

Sensitive Data Protection

The forms of payment authorized by , MOPLAIN, are in charge of safeguarding the payment information data of the Clients, does not store sensitive data of the users, it only collects the direct information of the payment to the services provided established in the contract for the provision of services.


The fundamental right to the protection of personal data is intended to guarantee everyone the power of decision and control that they have over the information that concerns them, specifically about the use and destination that is given to their personal data. Derived from this provision, each person is the owner of their information and has the full right to decide to whom and for what purpose they provide their personal data, not being obliged to provide them if they do not wish, unless a law so provides. In this sense, the right to personal data protection provides the holder with a range of powers to maintain control over their personal information, ranging from the right to know who owns their personal data, the uses to which they are being submitted the same, up to the power to oppose that possession and use.

In this regard, our Political Constitution recognizes in its article 16 the right that every person has to the protection of their personal data, access, rectification and cancellation of the same, as well as to express their opposition, in the terms established by law. For its part, the Mexican legislation that regulates the protection of personal data held by the private sector is the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, hereinafter the Law. This Law is distinguished by developing a series of guarantees and instruments designed to protect the personal information that circulates daily.

Procedure to exercise Arco Rights

If you wish to exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the processing of your personal data, known as the ARCO right, it is important that you take into account that the right to protection of personal data is a very personal right, therefore that only you, as the owner of the personal data or, where appropriate, your legal representative may request it.

Next, we explain the procedure to follow for the presentation and attention of a request to exercise ARCO rights: A. Requirements for the presentation of a request to exercise ARCO rights.

Submit the request to the person in charge who owns the personal data (in this case, MOPLAIN), through the means and mechanisms indicated in the privacy notice, with the following information: General information.
Any request to exercise ARCO rights must contain the following information:

∙ Name of the owner of the personal data.

∙ Documents proving the identity of the holder.

∙ If applicable, the name of the holder’s legal representative and documents to prove his identity and personality.

∙ Specify the means to receive notifications.

∙ Clear and precise description of the personal data that you want to rectify, cancel or oppose to its treatment.

∙ Description of the right to be exercised or what the holder requests.

∙ Where appropriate, documents or information that facilitate the location of personal data, including the administrative unit responsible for processing. Specific information.

In addition to the general information indicated above, depending on the right you wish to exercise, you must include the following information in the request:

∙ Right of ACCESS: the modality in which you prefer the requested personal data to be reproduced.

∙ Right of RECTIFICATION: the modifications that you request to be made to the personal data, as well as providing the documents that support the request.

∙ Right of CANCELLATION: the causes that motivate the request to delete the data from the files, records or databases of the data controller.

∙ Right of OPPOSITION: the causes or the situation that lead you to request that the processing of your personal data be terminated, as well as the damage or harm that said processing would cause you to continue; or, you must indicate the specific purposes for which you wish to exercise this right.

It is important that you take into account that, if the request does not have the information described above, MOPLAIN may request the missing information through a REQUIREMENT, which must be issued within a maximum period of 5 business days from the day after of the presentation of the request, and you will have 10 working days, after receiving the warning, to provide the required information, otherwise your request will be considered not submitted.

When you submit your request, the person in charge must give you an ACKNOWLEDGMENT stating the date of receipt of the request.

Prove the identity of the holder and, where appropriate, that of his legal representative, as well as the personality of the latter. The request must be accompanied by a simple copy of an official identification of you as the owner of the personal data, as well as of your legal representative, in case this is the one who submits the request.
Among the valid official identifications are: voting card, passport, military card, professional license, driver’s license and immigration document. The personality of your legal representative, where appropriate, may be accredited, in the case of a natural person, you may choose any of the following three options:

1) The presentation of a simple power of attorney signed before two witnesses, attaching a simple copy of their official identification;

2) By public instrument (document signed by a Notary Public);

3) Going you and your representative to testify in appearance before the person in charge.

It is important to bear in mind that the identity of the owner and his legal representative, as well as the personality of the latter, must be duly accredited prior to the exercise of the right in question, if applicable, by submitting the documents aforementioned originals or a certified copy of the same, for comparison.

The previously indicated deadlines can be extended for an equal period, when justified and you are informed of it. The exercise of ARCO rights will be simple and free, charges may only be made to recover the costs of reproducing or sending information by parcel.

Finally, when the provisions applicable to certain databases or treatments establish a specific procedure to request the exercise of ARCO rights, the provisions of those that offer greater guarantees to the owner will be followed, and do not contravene the provisions set forth in the Law. .


We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy notice at any time. We will notify the client in writing 5 business days prior to the modification, being the modification for his part, he must express his will by means of a written request with a handwritten signature or electronic signature if necessary, together with the documents described within the chapter of “procedure to exercise arch right”.